Mission Co-existence
For a living being’s existence, three components are mandatory- food, medical needs, and shelter. Because a dog’s food and medical needs have been taken care of, the larger issue is a dog’s co-existence with his human counterpart
The root cause of the problem of co-existence is the insecurity of mind from others and in reaction one does the act of prevention which reflects cruelty and insensitivity

1. Potential health hazard- The only disease that can be directly transmitted from a dog to humans is rabies.
2. Presence of a mentally unfit dog in society – Some of the dogs who are aggressive, unpredictable and continuously harming their human counterparts need to be rescued and shifted to the rehabilitation center under appropriate medical and mental support. After completion of the treatment, if found fit, should be released. The ones who aren’t found fit should stay in the sanctuary for life.
3. Lack of a bridge facilitating animal and human co-existence – The mechanism of
HEAR – hear, empathize, analyze, and reactgoes a long way in bridging the existing gap.
Hear – the authority entrusted with protecting animal rights first needs to hear the problem of the aggrieved party who is an inseparable part of this system of
Empathize – Without prejudging, the situation, the authority needs to feel the plight of the aggrieved party.
Analyze – The situation requires to be assessed by the authority in light of the probable reasons causing the problem.
React – The authority needs to communicate the probable solutions to the aggrieved party and implement the discussed solutions.
4. Insensitive behaviour of humans towards animals.
Options to be considered
1. In consultation with the local feeders and NGOs, the government should make provisions to create designated feeding points for dogs and other animals so that no human-animal conflict arises.
2. In the health section the government should create well-structured and equipped Hospitals consisting of boarding facilities it should identify well-qualified NGOs and partner with them to implement the project.
Our Goal
1. Vaccinate all dogs coming to our premises. To target the most sensitive areas with maximum dog-human conflict existing and undertaking mass anti-rabies vaccination drive.
2. To implement our most ambitious goal which is “Paw Adhar”. Paw Adhar is a mechanism that will give a unique identification number which will be chip-based and by which we will be in a state to assess the actual record of the dog population with their vaccination and medical record.
3. To create a rehabilitation center for mentally challenged dogs
4. To create a separate “HEAR” cell to create a bridge for a peaceful co-existence.
5. To sensitize the masses, focusing on the new generation, the organization will conduct six workshops every year in schools and colleges.
6. To make the masses aware that the value of an Indian dog is no less than any other pedigreed dog. To create value for an Indian dog, we are in the process of initiating a program that will empower the Indian breed
(a) To file petitions to honorable authorities to allow all Indian breeds to participate in all dog shows in the country with proper dignity.
(b) To establish a training institute for Indian breeds for dog shows and training them according to specific job requirements.
(c) Every year 100 dogs get basic training before adoption and the same dog acts as a brand ambassador of Indian dogs within the society.