Mission Life
Mission Life has two components namely Prevention and Reactive.
Almost 70 percent of newly born puppies succumb to the two deadliest viral infections, namely Canine Parvo Virus and Canine Distemper within 6 months of their birth.
Options to be considered
The only remedy to the problem is to practice a mass vaccination drive of dogs with the support of the local government authorities.

What do we do?
We have vaccinated thousands plus dogs on the streets and some thousand plus at our shelter.
Vaccination On the Street – 865
Vaccination at the Shelter – 1045
Total Vaccination – 1910
We have a dedicated quarantine section and a well-equipped and well-trained team to help treat the dogs who get infected with viral diseases
Rescued from Parvo- 736
Recovered – 723
Death- 13
Mortality- 2%
Rescued from Distemper – 15
Recovered – 05
Death -10
Mortality – 67%
Our Goal
1. To vaccinate all dogs brought to the shelter for various reasons.
2. To run at least 4 mass vaccination drives in and around the city.
3. To expand our quarantine facility by constructing a separate Distemper ward.